Tag: investment

  • I want to start a business

    I want to start a business

    The desire for entrepreneurship is a strong natural urge which in my view is the logical development of leadership in a person, which encourages him/her to become independent and strike out on their own. In days of old, they called it, ‘seeking your fortune’, which ranged from traveling across the world to trade, to buccaneering…

  • Hope Forum

    Hope Forum

    The Hope Forum is a place that the injured from Twitter, Facebook and other social media can come, to detox and cure themselves from the negativity of the world. There’s much good happening in the world that gets no lift. Bad news sells. So we’ll give each other good news for free. And you’ll be…

  • You get what you pay for

    You get what you pay for

    A word about writing a life goal for yourself: Only you need to see it. Only you need to be inspired by it. So, write something that is big enough to inspire. “I want to become a leadership trainer.” Ugh! Big deal. Who cares? “I want to become Mickey Mouse.” Now that is something. A…

  • The power of the extraordinary goal

    The power of the extraordinary goal

    Any great enterprise needs people. People who you can share your vision with, people who resonate to your tune, people who can hear the drumbeat to which you are marching. This is the biggest challenge that any leader faces. How do you make others dream your dream? Like most things in life, this also involves…

  • Three Fundamental Laws

    Three Fundamental Laws

    Doing something well, once can be an accident. A fortunate one but still an accident. To do it well over and over is the meaning of quality. Expertise is repeatability. That happens with thoughtful practice. Not just practice. But thoughtful practice. Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Thoughtful practice makes perfect. Think about what…

  • FIKR


    Sometimes people ask me for the secret of success. We live in a world of fantasy where people want magic formulae for everything. Let me tell you the good news. It is not a secret, but it is a magic formula. Focus + Investment + Consistency. Works every time. I have given it the acronym,…

  • Use things, not people; Value people, not things

    Invest in people, not things Right people add value. Possessions add cost, not value and always depreciate Surround yourself with great people and value them. Tell them, show them, and do it often. Valuing is not simply patting backs or giving blue ribbons or bonus cheques. Valuing is to push them to do their best,…

  • Invest, invest, invest

    Invest, invest, invest

    Forget sacrifice, think investment All sacrifice ends, but investment yields forever Invest in yourself, in your learning. Knowledge is the key to success. But only if applied. Knowledge applied thoughtfully yields wisdom. The two are not the same. So focus on your investment; track it, measure the yield, and do it often. Write your own…

  • Structure and Focus

    Structure and Focus

    Balance passion and system – Passion without system burns out. System without passion creates bureaucracy.  But together they can change the world All the passion in the world will get you nowhere if you don’t create a step by step strategy to achieve your goals and then focus on each step, one by one. Work…