Forget about money
Money measures nothing except greed. When money becomes the objective, misery is the return. Service is the goal, the result of which is prosperity. Money is an effect, a result. What do I mean? Well, you see, we live in a world of cause and effect. The fundamental rule here is, ‘If you want an…
Remember banking
Thoughtfulness is a factor of doing the unnecessary. Always do the unnecessary act of kindness This is a take on the previous one for the city boys. Life is a bank account. How much you can draw out depends on what you put in. You put it in when you don’t need it. So that…
Medical Ethics? Who is she?
Of late we have been having an interesting and involved discussion on the subject of medical ethics in India, especially in so-called corporate hospitals involving also doctors in both private practice and government service. Interesting and involved because everyone is an interested party; at some time having been the recipients of the tender mercies of…
Parenting can’t be outsourced
The biggest challenge of parenting is to accept that we are facing a world that is very different from the one we grew up in. This is true irrespective of which country you live in with the additional complexity of a rapid destruction of walls between cultures. The truth is that your solutions don’t work…
What makes a winner?
Before I begin on the three fundamental principles that make winners, let me state one thing: In life, only winners are rewarded. So the first requirement of winning is to be passionate about winning. To realize that a real win is one that is gained fairly, with integrity and without harming anyone. Only that is…
Change the Script
“If you always do what you always did you’ll always get what you always got. If you want to get what you never had, you have to do what you never did.” Many times we find ourselves stuck in a negative cycle, especially with respect to certain people; parents, spouses, parents in law, friends; where…