Tag: compassion

  • Rasoolullahﷺ the best role model for today

    Rasoolullahﷺ the best role model for today

    He conquered his enemies not by killing them but by killing enmity. That is the biggest lesson for all humanity today which is mired in misery and suffering thanks to mutual hatred. Forgive and start afresh, a society based on mutual respect and acceptance. That is the message of Prophet Muhammad (May he be blessed).…

  • Hope Forum

    Hope Forum

    The Hope Forum is a place that the injured from Twitter, Facebook and other social media can come, to detox and cure themselves from the negativity of the world. There’s much good happening in the world that gets no lift. Bad news sells. So we’ll give each other good news for free. And you’ll be…

  • Winning means staying in the race

    Winning means staying in the race

    The first thing to learn therefore is to listen to some hard talk without flinching. In the ring, the one who wins is not the one who can hit hardest but the one who can take a hard hit and remain standing. That is life. The race doesn’t end when you fall but when you…

  • Marriage Advice – Quick Recap

    Marriage Advice – Quick Recap

    Keep confidence. What’s between you two must remain between the two of you only. Nobody else. She’s your Best Friend and you are hers. Respect that relationship and your marriage will be a source of great blessing. Let anyone else into that relationship, mother, father, sibling, anyone, and it’s doomed. It’s as simple as that.…

  • Teaching to Transform

    Teaching to Transform

    Education is not the responsibility of schools and teachers alone but must be a partnership in parenting between parents, teachers, and children. All three are stakeholders and must have a say in what happens. Parenting can’t be outsourced. You can’t pay someone to raise your children just like you can’t pay someone to diet on…

  • Our window is open now

    Our window is open now

    Remember that learning about human beings is only done by experience. Not on TV or social media but by meeting the walking, talking, breathing, warm body called _______ fill in the blank. Do that respectfully, sensitively, in a spirit of enquiry. For that, learn something about their culture, taboos, preferences, and beliefs, non-judgmentally. Judging builds…

  • Do ideology-led movements need systems?

    Do ideology-led movements need systems?

    Ideology defines the goal and the path that leads to it. Skill is necessary to do what it takes to reach the goal. Leaders must always keep the purpose in mind and not allow their ego, personal likes and dislikes, affiliations, or anything else to get in the way of choosing the right people. Nobody…

  • Controlling our future

    Controlling our future

    Our challenge, as educators, parents, leaders, and concerned citizens is to make this happen not for one person but on a scale that will show a difference in a short time. The longer we take to create a core group of independent people who can think, solve problems, take risk, own responsibility, and stand up…

  • 7 – Leadership Lessons from herding sheep

    7 – Leadership Lessons from herding sheep

    The shepherd protects the flock, so must be courageous. There are many threats all of which the shepherd must be aware of and know what to do about them. A shepherd must be prepared to put himself in danger to save his flock because sheep can’t defend themselves, let alone defending the shepherd. Since not…

  • Make a difference to someone

    Make a difference to someone

    Never compromise your legacy. Never lose sight of your purpose. Ask, ‘Why am I here?’ Write it down and stick it on your wall. Look at it every morning and re-dedicate yourself to that. Stick to that. There will be times when all sorts of other things will seek priority. Different issues will demand importance.…