Tag: compassion

  • For he was a man

    For he was a man

    I learnt, very practically, that the best way to make progress was to develop a relationship based on sincerity as that would be the only thing that you could count on, especially in hard times. I remember how Nick Adams used to put it. He’d say, “A relationship is like a bank account. You only…

  • Attitude


    Attitude change can’t be enforced – it must be inspired. Attitude is at the root of everything. Attitude decides whether we will succeed or fail. Whether when in difficulty, even that which seems to be life threatening, if we will survive or perish. Attitude decides if when hit by life (or by someone) we stay…

  • The Great Slide

    The Great Slide

    The 80’s sound like ancient history today in 2019 going on the magic number 2020. What do we have today? Hatred. We hate each other and that sells, that gets you elected, that gets you followers, it is chic, it is fashionable, and it works. That is the only thing that counts. So, our world…

  • Nations and Forest Fires

    Nations and Forest Fires

    What is the solution? For a solution we must find and implement if we are not all to be consumed in the forest fire that we lighted or allowed to be lighted while we watched. The first part of the solution is to reject every ideology that teaches that you are either superior or inferior…

  • It’s not about Sri Lanka

    It’s not about Sri Lanka

    Those who were killed in Sri Lanka were my dear ones, because anyone who is killed because of his/her religion, race or nationality is my dear one. So, I will speak. I will raise my voice. And I will do it, even if I am alone. Especially if I am alone. It is very important…

  • Example for our times

    They say that reading biographies is perhaps the best way to learn real life lessons. That is because a biography is a record of practice. Of what worked and what didn’t. The life of Muhammadﷺ is perhaps one of the most well documented in human history. Here was someone who in a period of 23…

  • Negative or positive, the choice is ours

    Negative or positive, the choice is ours

    Negative people look for things to complain about and find them.  Positive people look for things to be grateful for and find them. Make your choice I’m sure you’ve heard this before that every day we wake up, we have a choice. We can choose to see the day as positive or negative. And guess…

  • Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Add value first.  Entitlement will follow.  Entitlement goes with the territory.  Contribution defines the territory Because entitlement is directly proportional to contribution. Entitlement is the result of contribution. If you want more ‘entitlement’, contribute more. Only those who contribute greatly are entitled to great rewards. What do I mean? We live in a world of…

  • Forget about money

    Forget about money

    Money measures nothing except greed.  When money becomes the objective, misery is the return.  Service is the goal, the result of which is prosperity. Money is an effect, a result. What do I mean? Well, you see, we live in a world of cause and effect. The fundamental rule here is, ‘If you want an…

  • Remember banking

    Thoughtfulness is a factor of doing the unnecessary. Always do the unnecessary act of kindness This is a take on the previous one for the city boys. Life is a bank account. How much you can draw out depends on what you put in. You put it in when you don’t need it. So that…