Category: Where are the leaders

  • WhatsUp with WhatsApp?

    WhatsUp with WhatsApp?

    For those who want to say at the end of all this, “What difference does my leaving this space make? After all I am only one person.” I say to you, “Even if you can’t stop them, don’t join them. For in the end, it is not about them. It is about you. It is…

  • Democracy and the Corporation

    Democracy and the Corporation

    Corporations run our world and so it’s no use talking about democracy, equality, human dignity and freedom when none of these are corporate values. Corporations are and promote autocracy, blind followership, and conformity while talking about the importance of freedom, dissent and innovativeness. Thereby they also promote and reward hypocrisy. If the world is to…

  • Dilemma of the Revolutionary

    Dilemma of the Revolutionary

    Educate people on the steps forward and show them a realistic plan where they can see how to succeed and taste that success in a reasonable period of time. It is essential that people see results in their main pain areas and see them fast. Government must be seen to be doing things. Saying, ‘We…

  • 7 – Leadership Lessons from herding sheep

    7 – Leadership Lessons from herding sheep

    The shepherd protects the flock, so must be courageous. There are many threats all of which the shepherd must be aware of and know what to do about them. A shepherd must be prepared to put himself in danger to save his flock because sheep can’t defend themselves, let alone defending the shepherd. Since not…

  • Make a difference to someone

    Make a difference to someone

    Never compromise your legacy. Never lose sight of your purpose. Ask, ‘Why am I here?’ Write it down and stick it on your wall. Look at it every morning and re-dedicate yourself to that. Stick to that. There will be times when all sorts of other things will seek priority. Different issues will demand importance.…

  • The power of the extraordinary goal

    The power of the extraordinary goal

    Any great enterprise needs people. People who you can share your vision with, people who resonate to your tune, people who can hear the drumbeat to which you are marching. This is the biggest challenge that any leader faces. How do you make others dream your dream? Like most things in life, this also involves…

  • How to behave around snakes

    How to behave around snakes

    Keeping wild animals as pets is not a good idea at all. Whether that is snakes or anything else. Wild animals must be left in their natural habitat and enjoyed there, watching and photographing them. Taking them out of their environment is cruel on them and if they escape or are released in an alien…

  • Hit the road running

    Hit the road running

    What is it that drives a man to excel? What if we make that the goal of our lives? To excel. Even if you are running in the right direction, you will lose the race if you don’t run fast enough. So if you want to win the race you don’t just have to run…

  • Muslim NGO’s – special challenges and their solutions

    Muslim NGO’s – special challenges and their solutions

    Opening note: Though the title of this article is “Muslim NGOs….” what I have to say applies to all NGOs and not only Muslim ones. I have mentioned some things that are specific to Muslim NGOs like the collection and disbursement of Zakat, but I hope you will find it useful for your NGO, whether…

  • We are all human

    We are all human

    Today as we protest against racism in America, let us remember that we are against all racism. Let us remember that our stance is noble. Our stand is life giving and life confirming. In America today, all people of all races are standing together to give the message loud and clear that enough is enough.…