Category: Where are the leaders

  • Try


    Judgement by Anonymous Before God’s footstool to confess A poor soul knelt, and bowed his head; “I failed,” he cried. The Master said, “Thou didst thy best—that is success!”

  • Leadership is a Personal Choice – Podcast

    Leadership is a Personal Choice – Podcast

    This is a new initiative that I started this week. Leadership is a Personal Choice. It will be available on Google Podcasts (Android) also. Please listen to the introduction first which tells you what this is all about and what I am trying to persuade you to do. Then listen to the first episode, Differentiate.…

  • Differentiate


    If you asked me to tell you in one word; only one word, the secret of success, I would say, “Differentiate.” Differentiation is to stand out. Not blend in. Incidentally that is also how I define leadership. Nobody understands this better than Apple. Or Coke for that matter. And that is why these brands inspire…

  • Leadership is a Personal Choice – Introduction

    My name is Yawar Baig. Mirza Yawar Baig. My motto is, “I will not allow what is not in my control to prevent me from doing what is, in my control.’ My mission is, “Opening the world, one mind at a time.” Welcome to our channel, “Leadership is a Personal Choice.” Because it is. I…

  • Learning from Life – Morsi

    Learning from Life – Morsi

    This is my attempt at trying to learn some lessons from history. Let me warn you in advance that if any analysis is to make meaning or prove useful, it must be divorced from emotion. I know that many of my readers, indeed I myself, can think of many excuses for what Morsi did and…

  • The Great Slide

    The Great Slide

    The 80’s sound like ancient history today in 2019 going on the magic number 2020. What do we have today? Hatred. We hate each other and that sells, that gets you elected, that gets you followers, it is chic, it is fashionable, and it works. That is the only thing that counts. So, our world…

  • Nations and Forest Fires

    Nations and Forest Fires

    What is the solution? For a solution we must find and implement if we are not all to be consumed in the forest fire that we lighted or allowed to be lighted while we watched. The first part of the solution is to reject every ideology that teaches that you are either superior or inferior…

  • It’s not about Sri Lanka

    It’s not about Sri Lanka

    Those who were killed in Sri Lanka were my dear ones, because anyone who is killed because of his/her religion, race or nationality is my dear one. So, I will speak. I will raise my voice. And I will do it, even if I am alone. Especially if I am alone. It is very important…

  • The Statesman within

    The Statesman within

    My friend asked me a question; Where are the statesmen? Where have they all gone? For the sake of some clarity, I defined statesmen as people who were highly respected for their integrity, were highly ethical and moral and showed long-term vision for their people and countries and spent their lives in helping their people…

  • Something is happening

    We need to get out of our safe little nests and speak out against those who seek to use hatred to divide us so that they can benefit. We must speak out against all hatred, no matter who it is directed against. Antisemitism is as wrong as Islamophobia or any other form of hatred. Not…