Category: 55 Life Lessons of 55 years

  • 20.10.2010.1955


    I also learned what I consider to be the two most important lessons in my life, after sharing which I will end this introduction. The first relates to the fact that essentially we are all in control of our lives and selves and no matter how powerful or powerless we may believe we are, there…

  • Never try to change your spouse

    Never try to change your spouse

    Go look in the mirror and tell yourself that the only one in the world who thinks that you are an unqualified blessing is perhaps your mother and that too, perhaps. Tell yourself that you married your spouse because you liked them, not because you found them when they lost their way to their shrink.…

  • Negative or positive, the choice is ours

    Negative or positive, the choice is ours

    Negative people look for things to complain about and find them.  Positive people look for things to be grateful for and find them. Make your choice I’m sure you’ve heard this before that every day we wake up, we have a choice. We can choose to see the day as positive or negative. And guess…

  • Do what you can

    Do what you can

    I will not allow, what is not in my control, to prevent me from doing what is, in my control. This is my motto in life by which I have lived all my life. I always try to focus on what I can do no matter whatever else I can’t do. I do that because…

  • Take tough decisions

    Take tough decisions

    Problems need solutions, not complaints or endless analyses. We need solutions, not tedious explanations. In all the years that I have been advising companies about achieving remarkable results, especially family businesses, one thing is very clear. Top management’s unwillingness or inability to take tough calls is the single, most destructive factor that blocks their success.…

  • Tomorrow also has only 24 hours

    Tomorrow also has only 24 hours

    Good intentions are not a substitute for systematic action.  Neither is enthusiasm a substitute for discipline.  Noise is different from music We all have the same 24 hours and no, tomorrow won’t have more. All tomorrows have only 24 hours. ‘Tomorrow I’ll have more time,’ is the biggest self- deception line of all time. The…

  • Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Add value first.  Entitlement will follow.  Entitlement goes with the territory.  Contribution defines the territory Because entitlement is directly proportional to contribution. Entitlement is the result of contribution. If you want more ‘entitlement’, contribute more. Only those who contribute greatly are entitled to great rewards. What do I mean? We live in a world of…

  • Use things, not people; Value people, not things

    Invest in people, not things Right people add value. Possessions add cost, not value and always depreciate Surround yourself with great people and value them. Tell them, show them, and do it often. Valuing is not simply patting backs or giving blue ribbons or bonus cheques. Valuing is to push them to do their best,…

  • Invest, invest, invest

    Invest, invest, invest

    Forget sacrifice, think investment All sacrifice ends, but investment yields forever Invest in yourself, in your learning. Knowledge is the key to success. But only if applied. Knowledge applied thoughtfully yields wisdom. The two are not the same. So focus on your investment; track it, measure the yield, and do it often. Write your own…

  • Forget about money

    Forget about money

    Money measures nothing except greed.  When money becomes the objective, misery is the return.  Service is the goal, the result of which is prosperity. Money is an effect, a result. What do I mean? Well, you see, we live in a world of cause and effect. The fundamental rule here is, ‘If you want an…