The reality today is that even the truth must be sold. Especially a truth that will and is affecting everyone and to change it everyone must pull together in the same direction. First the truth – We are on the way to becoming toast. I mean that rather literally. And everyone is everyone. Just look out of your window to see everyone. Look in the mirror to see the one who you will not see when you look out of the window. Everyone is everyone.
I sincerely hope that I am wrong. But as I said, for most people, and I mean the vast majority, they don’t understand Climate Change & Global Warming (CC&GW), don’t see the urgency, and don’t have any idea about what do to about it. The fact of the matter is that all real effective changes must necessarily come from world leaders changing policy and enforcing the change. That’s not happening and, in a world, that’s divided between dictators and democratic leaders on 4/5-year lifelines, also called terms, what hope is there for unpopular decisions to be taken and enforced? Furthermore, for this enforcement to be effective, if it happens, it must be done globally and instantaneously. Not gradually over decades. We are well past the luxury of gradual change. When a house is on fire you need a fire-hose, not a garden hose, if you are serious about putting out the fire. This means that not only will the owners and shareholders of companies which are contributing to CC&GW lose business but all those who work in those areas will lose jobs, miss mortgage payments, not be able to pay for health insurance, school bills, even food. Which government can survive that?

Just to give you a taste of what is in store, self-driving electric vehicles are the talk of the town. What that will mean in real-time, when and if it happens is that 3.5 million truck drivers will be out of jobs in the US. And many if not all the 8.4 million people who are in trucking related activities will also be affected. They won’t have jobs, but they have votes. Which political party or leader is willing to risk that? The issue is not technology but people. We seem to think that technology can solve everything. It can’t. Certainly not this one. This is a people problem, and we can’t factor people out of it. Indeed, which society can live through such a catastrophe? Do you see that happening? I don’t. Not until we hit catastrophe and then whatever will happen will happen.

Now for some home truths which many in the English speaking and reading world seem to ignore. Let me list them for you. Please add to the list.
- The language of Climate Change & Global Warming is a classic example of the yawning gulf between the haves and the have-nots. It is spoken by the inner circle for the inner circle in a language that only the inner circle understands, and which shuts out those who are not in that inner circle. In any society these are the elites who live in ivory towers, not troubled by how or even whether the GUM (Great Unwashed Multitude) lives. By ‘inner circle’, I mean English speakers with a university education of a particular nature. If you don’t believe me, make a presentation on CC&GW at your child’s school PTA meeting, or at any social gathering and watch how soon you lose your audience. I will give you all of five minutes. But we still see/hear/read the same language which no normal tea drinking human being understands.
- There is no sense of urgency about this truth which is as urgent as a house on fire. Once again, the result of the language. If you say to the average Joe watching Superbowl that because of his lifestyle i.e., his truck in the driveway, centrally heated and air conditioned house, the beef burger he is eating (change the meat to anything else with the same result), the plane that he is planning to fly to Toronto on in the morning – I can add many more but this will suffice – all add to GW and will result in an increase in temperature of the world by one degree which can result in the melting of the icecap and glaciers in the Arctic Circle (which he can’t find on a map) and thereby an increase in sea levels by one inch, you will have to help him off the floor where he would have fallen because he laughed so much. Travel to India or Africa and try saying that to the woman (in her language of course) who is cooking for her family on an open fire which she lighted using tree branches which she cut from the forest (which is illegal of course) and she will not even laugh because you are so foreign to her that she treats you like someone from outer space.
- The solution to Global Warming is to completely change our lifestyles. Stop eating meat, stop using firewood and coal, stop using oil and all fossil fuels, stop all carbon emissions and so on, right now. Once again, a long list which is not necessary to complete to make the point. The point is that this is not something which can be done unless people have viable alternatives which are cost effective. And those we need now. Not ten years from now. The fact is that we don’t have them, and we are not even close to having them.
- Changes that will positively impact Climate Change must be made globally. No matter how desirable it may be for an individual or a group of people to turn off lights, ride bicycles instead of cars, eat broccoli instead of chicken, use Zoom instead of flying, disconnect the air-conditioning (what are you supposed to do about heating?) and so on, it will not create any measurable impact. For a measurable impact it needs global policy change and implementation and even enforcement of the new climate friendly policy, if necessary. That means that those who are making billions and trillions in profit from fossil fuels, plastics, armaments, airlines, automobiles, you-name-it, and who rule the world because we have a world that is ruled by the 1% for the benefit of the 1% to which we all contribute willingly while suffering in silence, must be willing to kiss goodbye to those profits. How likely that is, I will leave you to decide. Especially when you know that the solution that the billionaires have for themselves, is a choice between going to Mars or living in underground bunkers guarded by private armies who of course live in the world outside. How intelligent that is and why they believe that someone whose own family will be exposed to the toxicity of the world will be willing to sacrifice his family to keep his boss and his family safe, don’t ask me. But if you expect them to think of your interests, then get a brain transplant.
- How likely is it that all oil companies, airlines, animal farms, armaments companies, automobile companies including electric vehicles because the batteries don’t grow on trees but are the result of carbon generating processes – once again the list is endless – will simply shut shop and go home? For measurable impact, it needs huge change, or I should really say, a total revolution in our way of life. History is witness that this kind of change has never happened voluntarily with the human race.
- While we may speak and read English, those who need to take decisions to stop global warming don’t. It is not about language but about the economic disparity between us and them. In one word it is about having alternatives or not. Slash and burn agriculture, cutting trees to light stoves, using wood or coal to heat homes, all contribute massively to global warming. All are done by the poor of the world who must choose between cooking food today and a warmer world tomorrow.
- Another random thought to reflect on when we talk about the world going vegetarian or vegan, even better. What will happen to the billions of cattle, sheep, and poultry that are alive on farms today? There are more farmed cattle than all wild animals in the world combined and more chickens than all wild birds combined. What should be done with them and what will be the effect of that on CC&GW? And what about the jobs and lives of all those who work on those farms and ancillary industries?
- The truth is that we are looking at catastrophe in the eye. After it happens, those who remain will have to pick up the pieces and implement changes, which will then be easier because people won’t need convincing.

The bottom line is that if we want action on Climate Change & Global Warming, we must device language that makes sense to ordinary people, creates a sense of urgency in them, shows them how their individual actions can have global impact and most importantly give them viable alternatives to replace what they are doing/using at present. Without that, prepare to become toast.
Meanwhile I live in a place where I don’t need air conditioning, travel to the wild places which are still left, take photos, and write articles and books, so that when it’s all over, those who come after can marvel at what used to be and wonder how we let it all go up in flames.
You’re right. We’re past the point of no return, I feel. No serious action is forthcoming from any quarter. The least everyone can do is plant trees on a war footing, and make sure they survive to maturity.
A thought provoking article.
Yawar Baig is absolutely right. We are beyond the point of no return and if we are to make a change of direction in CC we all, I mean everyone must face the challenge together AND there have to be major structural policies implemented that only can be made at the highest levels of governments in many if not all countries. This will mean lower standards of living, hardship for everyone. Individual sacrifices, like becoming vegan, not driving, reducing lifestyle footprint will not help. So Yawar Baig’s rhetorical question, which politician or govt leader will want to make those choices… Read more »
In your opinion, why is this debate so politicized in the U.S.?
I mentioned that in the article – or thought I did. Vested interests in status quo have power and think that they can escape the catastrophe in underground bunkers or on Mars. Others don’t matter to them. Same problem world over. Not only in the US.
Thank you for this helpful information. Two parted question: why does it feel like politicians don’t represent us, and how do they get to power if that’s the case? Looking at climate change, corruption, the genocide in Gaza, etc.?
They get to power because you elect them and they stay in power because you re-elect them. That’s no mystery. The mystery is why?
I am innocent 😀
The article gives an honest layout of what’s to be done on a fundamental level regarding GW, something mainstream media ignores. For MSM and the privileged in the developed world, the thinking is naive with a disregard to reality. The thought is that GW is dangerous and we should prevent GW, while their whole live conveniences and society is run by fossil fuels. They then would like to radically seek stopping anything, anywhere around the worlds that furthers GW, but they don’t see that a majority of the world as you pointed out do not care about this issue because… Read more »
There could not be home truths spoken as clearly as you have, Mirza ji. The global “powers” ( or should it have been ‘movers’?), will continue with their annual jamboree in Davos,or Busan…..fighting a wild fire with a garden hose!!!!!!
Well written, Shaikh sahab, as always.
This article affirmed my beliefs on CCW&GW. The imperative is the fact that predator capitalism drives global consumerism and through this, the globalisation of poverty becomes more real. Yes, the GUM will be even more and the super elite will just have more control. The interesting thing about the article is that makes you think on how fast social engineering is taking place through delaying CCW&GW. We will have to become individual game changers and hope that it sets a trend with all whom we interact with. For me this articles rings of the horrors of GAZA – the world… Read more »
An excellent, thought provoking article 👌🏻
Very well written and thought provoking article. I believe we’ve come too far now and it’s impossible to make a U-turn. It’s scary! We are toast!
Absolutely! On the dot. The decision makers have a collective responsibility to leave the planet, habitable, for their coming generations.
While there are climate change deniers, there is no doubt that climate change is happening so responding to them is neither interesting nor productive. It is interesting however to note that a lot of the goals set in the Paris Agreement are on track to being achieved because of low hanging fruit like wind and solar power projects. The tough parts are still ahead like phasing out fossil fuels in heavy transport and power generation but there is lots of momentum, so it seems quite hopeful that humanity will come through. Hydrogen power technology is making big strides. Closing the… Read more »
Thank You for starting this conversation. Totally agree that the language has to change. The solution to CC & GW has to be multi-faceted as you have rightly called out. Change has to happen at the individual, society and national level which will accrue to global change. There are numerous strategies that have to play in tandem for the desired outcome. IMHO, International Agreements are in place, but accountabilities have to happen at the national level. The current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are collectively insufficient at meet targets. While there is progress, many technologies necessary for deep decarbonization, such as… Read more »
We have to take immediate action on climate change and global warming. Already this year is the hottest summer that i have seen. And soon there will be an extremity in all seasons!
A recent survey done in Delhi across all educational and economic classes found that the vast majority of those surveyed agreed that Delhi was becoming hotter each year for longer periods; yet hardly any one linked this to climate change driven by increasing Greenhouse Gas emissions. They all attributed the heat to proximate causes. This disconnect and inability to link their (our) own increasingly consumptive lifestyles to increasing climate misery is both worrying and symptomatic of the problem. In geographical terms – and despite increasingly intense wild fires and storms, the rich (and temperate) Global North (GN) is better placed… Read more »
Climate change is an important topic, but myths and falsehoods circulate widely. Most campaigns do not address fundamental issues, and forgetting about impact creates confusion. We mostly talk about this subject on Environmental Day. We need to create a plan where we can engage and enrich. I believe women can play a more significant role in this subject. They can be changemakers.
Climate change is a critical issue, yet widespread myths and falsehoods plague it. Many campaigns fail to address the fundamental problems, leading to confusion and a lack of real impact. Discussions on this topic are often heightened on Environmental Day, but there is a need for a comprehensive plan to engage and educate individuals actively. I firmly believe that women have the potential to be critical changemakers in this field. Empowering women and involving them in climate initiatives can lead to significant progress and a more sustainable future.