Tag: love

  • Give me a hug!!

    Give me a hug!!

    We are touchy, feely creatures. Our most powerful ways to communicate have always been wordless. When our emotions peak, we are struck speechless. Our gestures, hugs, and tears tell the tale far more powerfully than anything we could have said. Words uttered at such times appear contrived and artificial, devoid of sincerity. We didn’t speak.…

  • 20 – 10 – 2020 – 65

    20 – 10 – 2020 – 65

    Today, October 20, 2020, I am sixty-five years old. Ten years ago, on October 20, 2010 when I was fifty-five years old, a friend suggested that I should write about the lessons I had learned in life. So, I wrote a book called, “20-10-2010-55, Fifty-five life lessons.” Today, I decided to tell you one lesson…

  • Become a rock in the foundation

    Become a rock in the foundation

    I want to begin by saying that today I am truly proud that my nation, India, is still a democracy and that we the people of India are people with courage and the willingness to stand up for each other. Frankly, going by our recent history and the rapid polarization of our society and proliferation…

  • Success is the biggest danger

    Success is the biggest danger

    Being passionate about what you do is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to be the best in their work. For me, this has never been a matter of choice but something that I have always held as inevitable. If I do something, then it must be the best that I can possibly do. Nothing…

  • You can never relive the past

    You can never relive the past

    Raman and I would discuss the reasons for corruption in our system. Our people, the vast majority of them are good, simple, and have sincere hearts that have learned to become helpless. Every conversation ends with the same refrain, ‘Ah! But what can we do?’ The reality is that if anything can be done, it…

  • Nations and Forest Fires

    Nations and Forest Fires

    What is the solution? For a solution we must find and implement if we are not all to be consumed in the forest fire that we lighted or allowed to be lighted while we watched. The first part of the solution is to reject every ideology that teaches that you are either superior or inferior…

  • Committing matrimony

    Committing matrimony

    Truth, Caring, Mutual respect are what I call my three Cardinal Principles of happy marriages. Please notice that I am not using the word ‘love’. Love comes out of these three things. What is called love is usually physical desire. The shape or size of someone’s body is not the inspiration for love; it can…

  • First-time Manager

    First-time Manager

    Vision is to be able to see that which doesn’t exist. Anticipation is the key which is not difficult to achieve if you do some scenario planning. 

  • Never try to change your spouse

    Never try to change your spouse

    Go look in the mirror and tell yourself that the only one in the world who thinks that you are an unqualified blessing is perhaps your mother and that too, perhaps. Tell yourself that you married your spouse because you liked them, not because you found them when they lost their way to their shrink.…

  • Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Add value first.  Entitlement will follow.  Entitlement goes with the territory.  Contribution defines the territory Because entitlement is directly proportional to contribution. Entitlement is the result of contribution. If you want more ‘entitlement’, contribute more. Only those who contribute greatly are entitled to great rewards. What do I mean? We live in a world of…