Tag: leadership

  • Influencing without authority

    Influencing without authority

    Two lessons from this incident; the importance of building a good case and the importance of putting it in a way that makes sense to the listener from his perspective. ‘What’s in it for me?’ is a tune that everyone listens to. It’s about speaking the truth but doing it in a way that makes…

  • The Statesman within

    The Statesman within

    My friend asked me a question; Where are the statesmen? Where have they all gone? For the sake of some clarity, I defined statesmen as people who were highly respected for their integrity, were highly ethical and moral and showed long-term vision for their people and countries and spent their lives in helping their people…

  • Democracy and Islam

    Democracy and Islam

    A party is elected not by the majority of the population of the country but by the majority of those who cast their vote. If you don’t vote, then don’t blame anyone else for the result. You are responsible, and you will pay the price.

  • Life Lessons from Tea

    Life Lessons from Tea

    Being passionate about what you do is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to be the best in their work. For me, this has never been a matter of choice but something that I have always held as inevitable. If I do something, then it must be the best that I can possibly do. Nothing…

  • What comprises leadership?

    What is it that enables some leaders to continue to be inspirational and not lose followers even when their decisions may not be to their follower’s liking? This is a very critical dilemma of leadership, of walking the tightrope between populist actions and doing what needs to be done and risk losing popularity. In today’s…

  • My life is worth $ 7

    My life is worth $ 7

    On October 20, 2010, I was 55. I released a book on that day called: 20-10-2010-55 which was 55 life lessons that I learnt in my life. I have decided to share those with you (those who read the book please forgive me) and so you will get one every day until we finish them…

  • To train or to entertain

    The dilemma of the modern corporate enter-trainer One of my friends who is a corporate trainer/teacher/facilitator, wrote to me on Teacher’s Day and talked about how the nature of training/teaching has changed. Observation: attitudes of students have changed… Guru is not necessarily a brahmo or devo. As a service provider, there is no leeway or…

  • Negative or positive, the choice is ours

    Negative or positive, the choice is ours

    Negative people look for things to complain about and find them.  Positive people look for things to be grateful for and find them. Make your choice I’m sure you’ve heard this before that every day we wake up, we have a choice. We can choose to see the day as positive or negative. And guess…

  • If I advised the AIMPLB

    Okay! So, you are laughing. Good! I love to make people happy and after all we all have our right to fantasize. The question I asked myself was, ‘If I were to be invited to advise the AIMPLB at this rather heated moment, what would I say?’ Key word? IF. Please don’t get too worked…

  • What does it take to lead a Muslim organisation?

    This is a follow up to my earlier post..Don’t lie to yourself..which focuses on the reality of the leadership of Muslim organisations. I’ve enumerated here what I consider critical criteria for leadership success. Recommend you read my book: Hiring Winners.Criteria for leadership: (Clear evidence must be sought for each of these)1. Adherence to Fardh and…