Tag: justice

  • If I were President Erdogan

    The Situation: They tried to kill me and topple my government. They failed. Allahﷻ helped me and I was able to provide the leadership for my people to come out into the streets. Allahﷻ caused even those who opposed me to support me. Truly I witnessed the help of Allahﷻ all through the night so…

  • Turkey – History in the making

    Please read this whole article. David Herst is a man of courage. Here are some extracts: http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/how-iphone-defeated-tanks-turkey-1556177810 To defeat the coup, the Turkish president used his iPhone. Mosques used their loudspeakers, broadcasting the call to prayer hours before dawn. Political leaders of all creeds, some staunch opponents of the president, called unambiguously for the coup…

  • Interpreting Reality

    Where and how do I begin? To speak from the heart, yet not reveal the grief, confusion and anxiety that it is filled with. Grief at the rapidly deteriorating situation all over the world where human life seems to have lost all value. Confusion as to why this sudden (or is it sudden at all?)…

  • Police Ride Along

    I was on holiday in Florida this September (2015) when I heard of the Ride Along program that several Police Departments offer all over the United States. This is an initiative to encourage Police Public Partnership so that people can see life from the other side of the fence and see what a Police Officer…

  • ISIS – Isn’t Isn’t

    The faulty logic of the ISIS Preface: Religion is the last resort of the scoundrel…as the saying goes…refers to the tendency of some unscrupulous people to twist religion to justify their own nefarious activity. Genghis Khan famously gave a “sermon” in Bukhara after sacking the city saying that Allah had sent him as a punishment…

  • Does right and wrong depend on who does it?

    The headlines say, ‘Muslim organizations are marching in protest before the Israeli Embassy in Delhi.’ ‘Muslims protest Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla.’ ‘BJP protests the attack on the pilgrims to Amarnath.’ ‘The Bishop addresses a gathering to protest the attacks on churches in Orissa.’ ‘Sikhs present a petition to highlight the denial of justice…

  • Taming the lion – Socializing the guerrilla

    This article is a thought share with a definition of the factors that accompany an armed struggle and some solutions to take care of problems that are born as a result of the very forces that need to be unleashed if the freedom struggle is to be successful. You need lions to fight. But those…