Why did Hyderabad die?
The Hyderabad Public School where I studied. A symbol of the Nizam of Hyderabad This is not a history but an attempt to understand what probably happened in those last years that led to the demise of Hyderabad as an independent country and its annexation by the newly independent India. It is speculation; perhaps informed…
Walk the talk because people listen with their eyes
Please remember that in Islam there is a law. And it is not to condemn and damage a person without proper evidence. In this case, the damage is done already. Whatever happens now can’t undo that damage, especially if it comes out that the accused was innocent. Those who caused this damage may like to…
Triple Talaq – Why are women fighting for it?
Question: Why is it happening? Why are women protesting the abolition of triple Talaq when it is something that they should welcome? Answer: Emotional knee jerk reactions born out of fear. You see the problem is that Modi and the Government have a very bad image, quite rightfully. So, anything that is seen as coming from them…
Of Mistakes and Crimes
A mistake is one that is made by mistake (sic) and a crime is one that is done deliberately. A mistake must obviously be forgiven. A crime is culpable but can also be forgiven. This is the peculiarity of Islamic Law that even a crime as serious as murder can simply be forgiven by the…
Is Islam a religion of peace?
Question: How can we say that Islam is a religion of peace when it advocates all kinds of violence and its believers engage in violence in many places in the world? Answer: This type of question is very common in the present day and very easy to answer provided the questioner is willing to do…
Muhammadﷺ, example for all times
They say that reading biographies is perhaps the best way to learn real life lessons. That is because a biography is a record of practice. Of what worked and what didn’t. The life of Muhammadﷺ is perhaps one of the most well documented in human history. Having said that one may ask why his life…
Stopping radicalization through the barrel of a gun
One of my friends sent me this article and asked for my opinion. http://www.firstpost.com/india/we-are-losing-kashmir-to-islam-ten-ways-to-counter-radicalisation-in-india-2997302.html My answer: Actually what this guy proposes is quite tame. See what some others did: Albania: the only European country with a majority Muslim population was ruled by Enver Halil Hoxha (born Muslim) communist leader of Albania from 1944 until his…
Ramadan, a time of self-indulgence?
So Ramadan is coming along. What are the signs that I see around me? By far the most important of them all – the cleaning of the Haleem cooking cauldrons, repairing of the tandoor ovens and the painting of signs screaming that the Haleem of that particular establishment can’t possibly be bettered in this life.…
Balancing Deen and Dunya
Below are two questions and their answers. Sharing for mutual benefit. والسّلام Yawar Baig Sent:Friday, June 05, 2015 10:08 PMTo: Mirza Yawar BaigSubject: Balancing Deen and Dunya. Assalamu`Alaykum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuhu. Dear Sheikh, You seem to have achieved exceptionally well in knowledge of this world and knowledge of here after(Deen).While acquiring knowledge of both worlds, Did…