Stand for justice to stand for peace
Wars happen because wars make profit. What we see is the destruction of the lives of innocent people. What we don’t hear is the ringing of cash registers for the sale of weapons of mass destruction. Millions of lives are devastated so that the top 1% of 1% can get wealthier. Wars happen because we…
They tried to bury seeds
To address or change a result we must address its cause. Peace is a result. Justice is its cause. If we want peace, we must establish justice. Without justice there can never be peace. Those who fight for justice are called by different names and are always persecuted, maligned, and sought to be eliminated by…
What is Ramadan?
Contrary to ignorantly romantic notions, fasting in Ramadan is not prescribed to teach the wealthy what it means to be poor. Poverty is about insecurity, lack of choice, lack of dignity, compulsion, fear and despair. Poverty is about living on the edge without any safety net. It is not about present hardship but of looking…
Change the Language
I propose that we change the language of the debate. Let so-called “Secularists’ call themselves “Principalists” and speak only and only about Principles of Governance. That is all that matters. Religion is immaterial. It is personal and must remain that way. What matters is governance. Let all those who are interested in the welfare of…
Why did Hyderabad die?
The Hyderabad Public School where I studied. A symbol of the Nizam of Hyderabad This is not a history but an attempt to understand what probably happened in those last years that led to the demise of Hyderabad as an independent country and its annexation by the newly independent India. It is speculation; perhaps informed…
Become a villager
I submit to you that we need to see the term, ‘Global village’, not as a statement of what we are but of what we need to become. We must become a ‘Global village’, not because of technology but because of caring and compassion and mutual appreciation and respect. Being a villager is not about…
Normalizing Terror
We are free to choose but every choice has a price. https://scroll.in/article/849804/this-photograph-of-two-murdered-teens-should-disturb-an-india-that-has-normalised-hate “Hate: It has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved a single one yet.” Maya Angelou We seem to be living in times when some people appear to be bent on challenging this law of nature –…
Is Islam a religion of peace?
Question: How can we say that Islam is a religion of peace when it advocates all kinds of violence and its believers engage in violence in many places in the world? Answer: This type of question is very common in the present day and very easy to answer provided the questioner is willing to do…
Focus on contribution – not entitlement
Add value first. Entitlement will follow. Entitlement goes with the territory. Contribution defines the territory Because entitlement is directly proportional to contribution. Entitlement is the result of contribution. If you want more ‘entitlement’, contribute more. Only those who contribute greatly are entitled to great rewards. What do I mean? We live in a world of…
In search of peace – Really??
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/cb/67/cacb6796d4ddabb912c0198b3fcf0b55.jpg What is required for peace to prevail? Anything done with a clear intention and according to a system gives value added results. Take the case of calisthenics – weight lifting – to build strength. And compare it to the most common cause of a strained back and lower back injury – weight lifting. How…