Tag: Islam

  • Ramadan 101 – for those who want to learn about Islam

    Ramadan 101 – for those who want to learn about Islam

    Fasting drives home the very essence of Islam i.e., submission to Allahﷻ. We fast because Allahﷻ ordered us to do so. We fast because Allahﷻ said so and we submit, lovingly and willingly to His Will.

  • Muslim NGO’s – special challenges and their solutions

    Muslim NGO’s – special challenges and their solutions

    Opening note: Though the title of this article is “Muslim NGOs….” what I have to say applies to all NGOs and not only Muslim ones. I have mentioned some things that are specific to Muslim NGOs like the collection and disbursement of Zakat, but I hope you will find it useful for your NGO, whether…

  • We are all human

    We are all human

    Today as we protest against racism in America, let us remember that we are against all racism. Let us remember that our stance is noble. Our stand is life giving and life confirming. In America today, all people of all races are standing together to give the message loud and clear that enough is enough.…

  • Learning from Life – Morsi

    Learning from Life – Morsi

    This is my attempt at trying to learn some lessons from history. Let me warn you in advance that if any analysis is to make meaning or prove useful, it must be divorced from emotion. I know that many of my readers, indeed I myself, can think of many excuses for what Morsi did and…

  • What is Ramadan?

    What is Ramadan?

    Contrary to ignorantly romantic notions, fasting in Ramadan is not prescribed to teach the wealthy what it means to be poor. Poverty is about insecurity, lack of choice, lack of dignity, compulsion, fear and despair. Poverty is about living on the edge without any safety net. It is not about present hardship but of looking…

  • Tajdeed-ul-Ummah bi Tajdeed-ul-Ulama

    In my view the single most critical thing that distinguishes Islam from all other religions and ideologies is its focus and emphasis on knowledge. The only thing that Allahﷻ taught His Messengerﷺ to ask for increase in, is knowledge. It is for this reason that the scholars of Islam have a very special place in…

  • Raising children in the West

    Raising children in the West

    We must remember that children listen with their eyes. They don’t care what you say, until they see what you do. So, raising children has less to do with children and more to do with parents. As you are, so will they be. That is why they are your Sadaqatul Jaariya and not vice versa.

  • Democracy and Islam

    Democracy and Islam

    A party is elected not by the majority of the population of the country but by the majority of those who cast their vote. If you don’t vote, then don’t blame anyone else for the result. You are responsible, and you will pay the price.

  • Example for our times

    They say that reading biographies is perhaps the best way to learn real life lessons. That is because a biography is a record of practice. Of what worked and what didn’t. The life of Muhammadﷺ is perhaps one of the most well documented in human history. Here was someone who in a period of 23…

  • What comprises leadership?

    What is it that enables some leaders to continue to be inspirational and not lose followers even when their decisions may not be to their follower’s liking? This is a very critical dilemma of leadership, of walking the tightrope between populist actions and doing what needs to be done and risk losing popularity. In today’s…