Football – What did I learn?
I have a habit of asking, ‘So what did I learn?’ with everything that I do or experience. Can’t say that I actually ‘followed’ the World Cup in South Africa, much to the disgust of most of my friends who are keen on football but I still thought I’d share some thoughts on what I…
Freedom of WHO?? Freedom of WHAT??
http://link.email.washingtonpost.com/r/HXJVEI/8CCVF/EE6VYF/5I4KK7/LL6GK/T3/t Very seldom do we get the decidedly delightful opportunity of rubbing the collective noses of self-righteous pompous asses in it so I am going to take full advantage of it. Justice is seldom so swift or so clear. Not too long ago in the matter of the cartoons of the Prophet of Islam, we…
Does right and wrong depend on who does it?
The headlines say, ‘Muslim organizations are marching in protest before the Israeli Embassy in Delhi.’ ‘Muslims protest Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla.’ ‘BJP protests the attack on the pilgrims to Amarnath.’ ‘The Bishop addresses a gathering to protest the attacks on churches in Orissa.’ ‘Sikhs present a petition to highlight the denial of justice…
Dear Mr. President
Mr. Barack Obama President of the United States of AmericaThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20500 http://www.twf.org/News/Y2010/0531-Attack.html http://joti2gaza.org/2010/05/31/george-galloway-speaks-out-against-israeli-piracy-and murder/ Dear Mr. President, I am sure you know more about the situation with Israel’s attack on the Freedom Flotilla than I do. The question that I and the rest of the world is asking is,…
Taming the lion – Socializing the guerrilla
This article is a thought share with a definition of the factors that accompany an armed struggle and some solutions to take care of problems that are born as a result of the very forces that need to be unleashed if the freedom struggle is to be successful. You need lions to fight. But those…
Living Thoughtfully – Maximize your ROI
Living Thoughtfully is not only about being goal focused but also about being aware and concerned about the effect of our actions. Of being conscious about the fact that while we need to accomplish our goals, we need to find ways of doing that without damaging, harming or oppressing others. Our problems today with global…
So what is this strange inspiration that some people have which enables them to continue to work towards a goal that is often invisible to everyone else? Needless to say, this article does not contain the answer. It is more an attempt to share the questions in the belief that often the answer lies within…
Definitions influence Solutions
The first rule in problem solving is that the solution depends on the definition and therefore success in problem solving depends on the way the problem is defined. The same logic applies if you want to solve any problem in life. Define the problem one way and it appears insolvable. Define it another way and…
Change the Script
“If you always do what you always did you’ll always get what you always got. If you want to get what you never had, you have to do what you never did.” Many times we find ourselves stuck in a negative cycle, especially with respect to certain people; parents, spouses, parents in law, friends; where…