Category: Where are the leaders

  • They & We

    They spent money for Islam We make money from Islam They brought others into the Ummah We send Muslims out of the Ummah Their leaders were the best of them Our leaders are the worst of us They measured Net Worth in character We measure Net Worth in money They were known for their courage…

  • Winners and Losers

    There are two kinds of losers. 1.    One is a loser who lost despite his best effort but doesn’t accept defeat. He analyses what happened, accepts what he needs to change in order to win. Then he disciplines himself and works ceaselessly until he wins. 2.    The other doesn’t even understand why he lost, doesn’t bother to…

  • Confusion about kindness

    Confusion about kindness

    What is kindness? Is it accepting substandard work or is it insisting that only the best quality is acceptable? There is often a lot of confusion about this and people think that they are being kind when they say nothing to their group members, family or friends who routinely over promise and under deliver. And…

  • Entrepreneurial Dilemmas and their answers

    Spirit ‘In every one of us there are two ruling and directing principles, whose guidance we follow, wherever they may lead; the one being an innate desire of pleasure; the other, an acquired judgment which aspires after excellence.’ ~ Socrates, in Plato’s Phaedrus First question of course is to ask if I am qualified to…

  • Appreciation of return is directly proportional to investment

    In my life every developmental activity that I invested in was done at a personal cost. In one case, I sold my car and borrowed money (which I repaid over three years) to pay the fee to go to the IIMA for my MBA. In another case I spent every cent of my holiday allowance…

  • The One who controls the language controls the debate

    May Allahﷻ help this Ummah but we are living in very difficult times. The biggest challenge seems to be to maintain emotional and psychological equilibrium in the midst of the battering as if in a storm. While we are battered by storms, some of our own making, we still have to keep walking on the…

  • How to Win

    How to Win – Enjoy

  • When the journey is the destination

    When social change is protracted and long it produces a situation that has no closure. There is apparently no end to it. No classic ‘arrived state’. No final shining land of perpetual sunshine, timely rain, green fields or whatever our imagination tells us is waiting for us. In such a situation, the journey itself acquires…

  • Freedom of Expression or Freedom to Blaspheme?

    Freedom of expression must not be confused with freedom from the consequences of expression. Exercising freedom and abusing it are not the same. The latter forfeits the former. Just because we are free to express ourselves, it doesn’t free us from the responsibility for what we express. We are responsible for what we say and…

  • Tyranny of the Few

    Headlines scream out at you: ’80 killed in terrorist attack on two Pakistani mosques.’  ‘Lal Masjid threatens to give the call for jihad.’ ‘Clash with security forces leaves 16 students dead.’ And all this accompanied by pictures of women in burqas wielding lathis longer than themselves. Talk of women power!!  Another one: ‘Flaming jeep drives…