Category: See with your Heart

  • My Thoughts

    My Thoughts

    My deepest fear is that I will simply die one day Crying for what might have been The earth will be free of carrying my burden And there will be no trace of my passing What use such a life? That one lives and one dies Yet there is nothing to show that either happened!…

  • We are living beings, not binary code

    We are living beings, not binary code

    The big challenge we have today is to teach our children these lessons and help them to connect to the earth, to its inhabitants and to each other. We are living beings, not binary code. The earth is not at our mercy but waits and watches to see what we do. Then it will do…

  • Eulogy or Elegy?

    Eulogy or Elegy?

    Don’t wait for a eulogy to become an elegy. I am writing this as a reflection and a reminder to myself and to you. Express appreciation to the one who was good to you and added value to your life before they die. Don’t wait for someone to die before you tell them that you…

  • My dear friend MP

    My dear friend MP

    Today was the first day in my life when I received the news of the passing away of two of my childhood friends. One was Chandramohan Agarwal, my classmate all through school in the Hyderabad Public School and the other was Mohammed, the son of Nawab Habib Jung. Mohammed (we called him MP) was a…

  • Is it a bird or is it a plane? Homeschooling concerns

    Is it a bird or is it a plane? Homeschooling concerns

    Of late I, have been reading many articles on ‘Homeschooling’ – which term when written like this seems to have acquired the status of legitimacy instead of being wrong spelling. The need for a hyphen is apparently no longer felt. ‘Home’ and ‘School’ are evidently no longer two different places, either geographically, physically or emotionally.…

  • Of Mistakes and Crimes

    A mistake is one that is made by mistake (sic) and a crime is one that is done deliberately. A mistake must obviously be forgiven. A crime is culpable but can also be forgiven. This is the peculiarity of Islamic Law that even a crime as serious as murder can simply be forgiven by the…

  • Muhammadﷺ, example for all times

    Muhammadﷺ, example for all times

    They say that reading biographies is perhaps the best way to learn real life lessons. That is because a biography is a record of practice. Of what worked and what didn’t. The life of Muhammadﷺ  is perhaps one of the most well documented in human history. Having said that one may ask why his life…

  • Meet real people – not labels

    Meet real people – not labels

    Someone sent me the Amazon Prime Ad about the meeting between the priest and Imam which is here.. A dear friend asked me, ‘How did we become like this?’ …meaning, ‘How did we become so mechanical, bigoted, hatred driven?’ I answered, ‘That is because we have given up the world for others to run…

  • If tomorrow comes!

    If tomorrow comes!

    Tomorrow will be October 20, 2016. By the look of things today, I can say with reasonable certainty that it will come. Then why this title for this article? That is to remind myself that whether tomorrow comes or not matters only if I am still here. Only then can I say thattomorrow came but…

  • May our hearts come together

    It must be remembered that none of the Sahaba who were alive at that time approved of or in any way supported the actions of Yazid. And that all the Ulama and people of knowledge of the Ahl-us-Sunnah (Sunni) have condemned these evil deeds. Unfortunately, despite this, much misinformation is spread, and much misunderstanding exists…