Month: June 2015

  • If not now, then when?

    Our problem today is that some of us have the appearance of Sunnah without its soul, some have the words of that Aqeeda without its Noor and some have nothing. Meaning doesn’t mean translation. It means understanding which results in effects on the self. If someone translates Sher as Tiger, he’s correct but it is…

  • Punishment ISIS style is NOT ISLAMIC

    Someone commented on the incident of the ISIS hanging up two boys by their wrists for a day or more because they didn’t fast in Ramadan. Below is the comment and my answer. Assalamualaykum. Overall, the ISIS seems a covert American operation to consolidate territory in Iraq and Syria. However, and to be fair, the…

  • Words – It’s only words – Or is it?

    Don’t underestimate the importance of words. In the famous words of Mark Twain: ‘The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.’ Words touch the heart, move the soul and inspire the spirit. Words move people to do things they considered impossible. Words are timeless and continue to have meaning…

  • Ramadan, a time of self-indulgence?

    So Ramadan is coming along. What are the signs that I see around me? By far the most important of them all – the cleaning of the Haleem cooking cauldrons, repairing of the tandoor ovens and the painting of signs screaming that the Haleem of that particular establishment can’t possibly be bettered in this life.…

  • Balancing Deen and Dunya

    Below are two questions and their answers. Sharing for mutual benefit. والسّلام Yawar Baig Sent:Friday, June 05, 2015 10:08 PMTo: Mirza Yawar BaigSubject: Balancing Deen and Dunya. Assalamu`Alaykum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuhu. Dear Sheikh, You seem to have achieved exceptionally well in knowledge of this world and knowledge of here after(Deen).While acquiring knowledge of both worlds, Did…