Tag: Sunnah

  • Talaq, Talaq, Talaq! What was that?

    Talaq, Talaq, Talaq! What was that?

    The controversy about triple Talaq in India proves that inaction can also produce results, albeit not the ones you may like to see. The basic principle in Islamic jurisprudence is to go to the Book of Allahﷻ   – the Qur’an and the Sunnah (teachings) of Muhammadﷺ   the prophet of Islam in case of any question…

  • Raising children in the West

    Raising children in the West

    We must remember that children listen with their eyes. They don’t care what you say, until they see what you do. So, raising children has less to do with children and more to do with parents. As you are, so will they be. That is why they are your Sadaqatul Jaariya and not vice versa.

  • Madrassa education in India – what needs to change

    Madrassa education in India – what needs to change

    The purpose of this article is to help the graduates of Madaaris (Ulama) to become relevant in modern society and to be able to provide positive leadership to their congregations.   I have tried to define the situation with Madrassa Education in India as I understand it and to propose a solution to the deficiencies and…