Winning is a Personal Choice
Winning is about dedication. It is about concentration. It is about focus. It is about making tough choices willingly. It is about stepping forward and saying, ‘Choose me not because I am cheap but because I can give you the best value.’ Winning is not an accident. Winning is not a mystery. You will win…
Training dogs – discovering yourself
The biggest benefit of having a dog from my perspective is the companionship that the dog provides, of non-judgmental, unconditional love. For the dog, you are the most precious, beautiful, and admirable person in the world to whom the dog dedicates himself lifelong. No matter that in the eyes of the world you are poor,…
Do you want to remain happily married?
Thank your spouse every day. Several times a day. Because there’s no thanking Allah without thanking the people. So, thank them for all the so-called small things. You will know the value of those small things when they are not there.