Entrepreneurship is the ultimate test of commitment
Entrepreneurship is all about spirit. But first we must recognize our purpose and then we need to consciously accept it. That is the scary part. But that is the threshold that must be crossed to demonstrate that we are in and not out. Choices are not always easy. As a matter of fact, all the…
Fantasy and Reality
Another thing about social media is that it is like masturbation. It takes away the drive without achieving any result. How many times have you seen a WhatsApp video about some great injustice and cruelty, the sunken cheeks of a starving child, war torn Yemen or the Uighur and Rohinga genocide? How many times did…
Attitude of Gratitude
How many of us are grateful to be reminded of our mortality and that it can and will happen one day, so that we can focus on what is really important in our lives?