Month: January 2022

  • Hiring Winners

    Hiring Winners

    We all start in the same place. We all start as idealists. I have yet to see a child who was not an idealist. We all want to make a difference to the world we live in, to do great things and to be remembered. We all want to be winners. But how many people…

  • Your customers build your brand – Not you

    Your customers build your brand – Not you

    Whether you are a taxi driver or the Chairperson of a global corporation, the rule is the same – do what you are passionate about and do it to a level of excellence consistently. That is your brand, and your customers will take it to the world.

  • Entrepreneurship is the ultimate test of commitment

    Entrepreneurship is the ultimate test of commitment

    Entrepreneurship is all about spirit. But first we must recognize our purpose and then we need to consciously accept it. That is the scary part. But that is the threshold that must be crossed to demonstrate that we are in and not out. Choices are not always easy. As a matter of fact, all the…

  • I can breathe

    I can breathe

    The world is going mad, but not my world. I watch the news. And I am thankful that I am not ‘news’. Can I count the favors of my Lord? What is each one worth? Which of the favors of my Lord will I deny?

  • Beware of the C-Word

    As you work towards a great goal you will become restless, irritated, and impatient and inclined to take shortcuts and cut corners – all for the excellent reason that you want to see the project up and started as soon as possible. But in this urgency, there will be the tendency to accept compromises. I am…