Tag: violence

  • They tried to bury seeds

    They tried to bury seeds

    To address or change a result we must address its cause. Peace is a result. Justice is its cause. If we want peace, we must establish justice. Without justice there can never be peace. Those who fight for justice are called by different names and are always persecuted, maligned, and sought to be eliminated by…

  • Is Islam a religion of peace?

    Question:    How can we say that Islam is a religion of peace when it advocates all kinds of violence and its believers engage in violence in many places in the world? Answer:       This type of question is very common in the present day and very easy to answer provided the questioner is willing to do…

  • Stopping radicalization through the barrel of a gun

    One of my friends sent me this article and asked for my opinion. http://www.firstpost.com/india/we-are-losing-kashmir-to-islam-ten-ways-to-counter-radicalisation-in-india-2997302.html My answer: Actually what this guy proposes is quite tame. See what some others did: Albania: the only European country with a majority Muslim population was ruled by Enver Halil Hoxha (born Muslim) communist leader of Albania from 1944 until his…

  • Taming the lion – Socializing the guerrilla

    This article is a thought share with a definition of the factors that accompany an armed struggle and some solutions to take care of problems that are born as a result of the very forces that need to be unleashed if the freedom struggle is to be successful. You need lions to fight. But those…