Tag: quality

  • Entrepreneurship Dilemmas & Their Answers

    Entrepreneurship Dilemmas & Their Answers

    Every time we stand and say, “I am ready!” a challenge will come forward. If we see the challenge and run away then we are back to square one. It is only when we take a step forward towards the challenge that we actively make the choice which will lead to victory. Notice that I…

  • Winning means staying in the race

    Winning means staying in the race

    The first thing to learn therefore is to listen to some hard talk without flinching. In the ring, the one who wins is not the one who can hit hardest but the one who can take a hard hit and remain standing. That is life. The race doesn’t end when you fall but when you…

  • How can I become an organizational consultant?

    How can I become an organizational consultant?

    Constantly update your knowledge and experience. Admit a mistake if you make it and show how you learned from it. Don’t make excuses or try to shift the blame to someone else. Honesty always pays. Honesty is critical to building credibility which is the lifeblood of consulting. Without credibility you are nothing and will never…

  • Your customers build your brand – Not you

    Your customers build your brand – Not you

    Whether you are a taxi driver or the Chairperson of a global corporation, the rule is the same – do what you are passionate about and do it to a level of excellence consistently. That is your brand, and your customers will take it to the world.

  • 8 – Keys to Consulting

    8 – Keys to Consulting

    Remember that your real customer is only the one who is willing to pay you. All others are like footfalls in a mall. They came to walk in an air-conditioned environment, out of the heat of the day. You happen to be there, so they are passing their time in your shop. If they walk…

  • Three Fundamental Laws

    Three Fundamental Laws

    Doing something well, once can be an accident. A fortunate one but still an accident. To do it well over and over is the meaning of quality. Expertise is repeatability. That happens with thoughtful practice. Not just practice. But thoughtful practice. Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Thoughtful practice makes perfect. Think about what…

  • Madrassa education in India – what needs to change

    Madrassa education in India – what needs to change

    The purpose of this article is to help the graduates of Madaaris (Ulama) to become relevant in modern society and to be able to provide positive leadership to their congregations.   I have tried to define the situation with Madrassa Education in India as I understand it and to propose a solution to the deficiencies and…

  • Use things, not people; Value people, not things

    Invest in people, not things Right people add value. Possessions add cost, not value and always depreciate Surround yourself with great people and value them. Tell them, show them, and do it often. Valuing is not simply patting backs or giving blue ribbons or bonus cheques. Valuing is to push them to do their best,…

  • The problem with the C- Word

    The problem with the C- Word

    One of the things that I have been very fond of, is trekking, especially climbing mountains. I have done a good bit of that in the Western Ghats in Southern India, climbing on one occasion through thick forest straight up the side of the mountain, 4500 feet. I went up to Singampatti from Kanyakumari. 4500…



    There’s no such thing as too much when it comes to setting life goals.  Nobody knows the best that he can do. Limits are only in the mind. Differentiate on the basis of the only thing which counts – Quality. Be the best in the world at what you do. Forget everything else – just…