Tag: power

  • Entrepreneurship Dilemmas & Their Answers

    Entrepreneurship Dilemmas & Their Answers

    Every time we stand and say, “I am ready!” a challenge will come forward. If we see the challenge and run away then we are back to square one. It is only when we take a step forward towards the challenge that we actively make the choice which will lead to victory. Notice that I…

  • Every choice has a price tag

    Every choice has a price tag

    There are critical incidents when as a leader you must take a call. At that moment you are alone. You believe in the depths of your heart that you can succeed. You know in your gut the real challenge that you must face. You are afraid, but you don’t show it. You take the first…

  • Leadership is a Personal Choice – Podcast

    Leadership is a Personal Choice – Podcast

    This is a new initiative that I started this week. Leadership is a Personal Choice. It will be available on Google Podcasts (Android) also. Please listen to the introduction first which tells you what this is all about and what I am trying to persuade you to do. Then listen to the first episode, Differentiate.…

  • Do what you can

    Do what you can

    I will not allow, what is not in my control, to prevent me from doing what is, in my control. This is my motto in life by which I have lived all my life. I always try to focus on what I can do no matter whatever else I can’t do. I do that because…