Yawar Baig & Associates
Where are the leaders
See with your Heart
See with your heart blog
55 Life Lessons of 55 years
Blog Fifity Five Life Lessons
In a Teacup
In a Teacup
Tales of Kwakwani
Hyderabadi Nostalgia
Urdu articles
My name is Yawar Baig. Mirza Yawar Baig. My motto is, “I will not allow what is not in my control to prevent me from doing what is, in my control.’ My mission is, “Opening the world, one mind at a time.” Welcome to our channel, “Leadership is a Personal Choice.” Because it is. I speak to audiences around the world and I can tell you that if I asked anyone from any country, of any race or religion, at any economic and educational level to tell me in one word, the biggest problem we face, they will say, “Leadership.” So, what is the solution? It is to understand and accept that “Leadership is a Personal Choice.” Leadership is not about status, designation, salary, perquisites, rank or power. It is about accepting responsibility for action. It is about saying to yourself, “This is my job and I am going to do it.” And then to find ways to create impact, no matter how small or limited it may seem. It is really as simple as that. It is my hope that over the coming weeks, months and years, as you listen to these podcasts and watch the videos, you will…