Category: Leadership is a Personal Choice

  • Qualities of the Imam

    Qualities of the Imam

    It is not how much you have, but how much you want, which determines satisfaction and peace of mind.

  • Winning means staying in the race

    Winning means staying in the race

    The first thing to learn therefore is to listen to some hard talk without flinching. In the ring, the one who wins is not the one who can hit hardest but the one who can take a hard hit and remain standing. That is life. The race doesn’t end when you fall but when you…

  • Going back to school at an advanced age

    Going back to school at an advanced age

    At age 70 I decided to go back to college. In this episode, I talk about my return to formal education – an 8-week immersion Arabic course at Middlebury Language Schools.

  • How can I become an organizational consultant?

    How can I become an organizational consultant?

    Constantly update your knowledge and experience. Admit a mistake if you make it and show how you learned from it. Don’t make excuses or try to shift the blame to someone else. Honesty always pays. Honesty is critical to building credibility which is the lifeblood of consulting. Without credibility you are nothing and will never…

  • Winning is a Personal Choice

    Winning is a Personal Choice

    Winning is about dedication. It is about concentration. It is about focus. It is about making tough choices willingly. It is about stepping forward and saying, ‘Choose me not because I am cheap but because I can give you the best value.’ Winning is not an accident. Winning is not a mystery. You will win…

  • Beware of gradual change

    Beware of gradual change

    Your Pink Slip was written the first time you passed up an opportunity to learn. It was just sent to you on the day you received it. What is sad is not the Pink Slip but that it was you who wrote it for yourself.

  • Corporate Realities – Thought-share

    Corporate Realities – Thought-share

    For in the end, people work for themselves, not for others. They work for others who appear to be enablers to help them achieve their own goals. I don’t mean to sound cynical. This is the reality as I have experienced it and something that shows us what we need to do to influence others.…

  • Looking back in Happiness

    Looking back in Happiness

    I was 24 when the plane landed with me but without my luggage in Guyana in 1979. My first move from home and I lost every possession I ever had. I felt light and thrilled – though the loss of my graduation certificate did occupy me for all of ten minutes. Then I reasoned to…

  • Become Overcomers

    Become Overcomers

    So, ask yourself, “In terms of the challenges that I face today, what do I need to do if I want to be a ‘Master’ and not a ‘Victim’? What is the investment that I need to make to succeed?” Free fall and flight feel the same in the beginning. But it is the end…

  • In defense of YET

    In defense of YET

    To question is indeed a virtue. All progress depends on questioning; on not accepting status quo; on not accepting that change is impossible. The most heroic effort depends on believing that success is possible. I may not know how or why or when. But I know that it can be done. That will happen only…