Category: Islam FAQ’s

  • Why did science disappear from the Muslim world?

    Why did science disappear from the Muslim world?

    When a supreme external force takes control of a nation with the goal of exploiting it in every way possible, then there is no chance for local talent to be nurtured and to shine. What is more, the constant indoctrination about the superiority of the invaders over the locals and the denigrating, discounting, and denial…

  • Talaq, Talaq, Talaq! What was that?

    Talaq, Talaq, Talaq! What was that?

    The controversy about triple Talaq in India proves that inaction can also produce results, albeit not the ones you may like to see. The basic principle in Islamic jurisprudence is to go to the Book of Allahﷻ   – the Qur’an and the Sunnah (teachings) of Muhammadﷺ   the prophet of Islam in case of any question…

  • Maximizing Ramadan on College Campus

    Maximizing Ramadan on College Campus

    College life is a unique Da’awa opportunity for you. Show people the beauty of Islam in practice. Don’t talk about Islam. Show Islam. Let them taste and feel what it means to be a Muslim. Not in some Ramadan event. But every day of their lives, while they are in contact with you in classrooms,…

  • Interest is Haraam

    Interest is Haraam

    If we understand this one simple, basic fact then all decisions become very easy, and we can live a totally stress-free life. Shaytaan deceives us by distracting our attention from what is in our control – choice of means to receive our Rizq – to what is not our control – quantum of Rizq. He…

  • Ramadan 101 – for those who want to learn about Islam

    Ramadan 101 – for those who want to learn about Islam

    Fasting drives home the very essence of Islam i.e., submission to Allahﷻ. We fast because Allahﷻ ordered us to do so. We fast because Allahﷻ said so and we submit, lovingly and willingly to His Will.