Month: March 2022

  • Interest is Haraam

    Interest is Haraam

    If we understand this one simple, basic fact then all decisions become very easy, and we can live a totally stress-free life. Shaytaan deceives us by distracting our attention from what is in our control – choice of means to receive our Rizq – to what is not our control – quantum of Rizq. He…

  • Stand for justice to stand for peace

    Stand for justice to stand for peace

    Wars happen because wars make profit. What we see is the destruction of the lives of innocent people. What we don’t hear is the ringing of cash registers for the sale of weapons of mass destruction. Millions of lives are devastated so that the top 1% of 1% can get wealthier. Wars happen because we…

  • Ramadan 101 – for those who want to learn about Islam

    Ramadan 101 – for those who want to learn about Islam

    Fasting drives home the very essence of Islam i.e., submission to Allahﷻ. We fast because Allahﷻ ordered us to do so. We fast because Allahﷻ said so and we submit, lovingly and willingly to His Will.