Month: December 2016

  • Of Mistakes and Crimes

    A mistake is one that is made by mistake (sic) and a crime is one that is done deliberately. A mistake must obviously be forgiven. A crime is culpable but can also be forgiven. This is the peculiarity of Islamic Law that even a crime as serious as murder can simply be forgiven by the…

  • Respect earns respect

    Respect earns respect

    There are ocean people and others who are mountain people; and yet others who are city people. I, am of the forest people. Wildlife, open spaces, mountains and forests have always been a very significant influence in my life. There is an instant connection that I find with forests. And every once in a while…

  • Is Islam a religion of peace?

    Question:    How can we say that Islam is a religion of peace when it advocates all kinds of violence and its believers engage in violence in many places in the world? Answer:       This type of question is very common in the present day and very easy to answer provided the questioner is willing to do…

  • To beard or not to beard

    It is very interesting to note the judgement regarding the Muslim IAF officer who claimed that keeping a beard is his religious obligation. The Indian Express reported that the ruling given was, “Emphasising the need to “maintain discipline” in the Indian Air Force (IAF), the Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that Muslim personnel cannot keep…

  • Muhammadﷺ, example for all times

    Muhammadﷺ, example for all times

    They say that reading biographies is perhaps the best way to learn real life lessons. That is because a biography is a record of practice. Of what worked and what didn’t. The life of Muhammadﷺ  is perhaps one of the most well documented in human history. Having said that one may ask why his life…